Email Tracking

Pigeon for Teams

With Pigeon for teams, your team can collaborate on the business and get work done, but still keep everything inside Gmail.

(You don't need to use complicated software outside of the Google ecosystem. Keeping everything in Gmail is the right decision!)

How to see an email conversation of another member of your team

  1. Click the "Expand" button in the spreadsheet view (or the sidebar)
  2. Look for the email conversation on the right side
  3. Click it!

How to share an email conversation with your team

  1. At the bottom of your email conversation, click "Share Email"
  2. The link will be copied to your clipboard!

(this is a shareable link to your email conversation. This link is not publicly discoverable)

How to invite someone to your collection

  1. Click "Share" in the top right of your collection
  2. Type in the email you'd like to add

(they will receive an invite in their inbox)

How to remove someone from your collection

  1. Click "Share" in the top right of your collection
  2. Click the trash can beside their email address